NAACP and SPCA are, technically, initialisms; they cannot be pronounced.
NASA and PETA are acronyms, which are pronounceable.
Nevertheless, the term acronym is generally used whether the term is pronounceable or not.
just wondering.
when i was a witness, we had presiding overseer, and would say p-o for short.
do they spell it out when they say cobe or do they say it with as a word?
NAACP and SPCA are, technically, initialisms; they cannot be pronounced.
NASA and PETA are acronyms, which are pronounceable.
Nevertheless, the term acronym is generally used whether the term is pronounceable or not.
*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
Hi there, OrphanCrow:
Many years ago, Awake! had a little blurb at the bottom of a page that described a Laurel-and-Hardy-like slapstick accident in which a workman was loading bricks into a barrel (as I recall). As he raised the barrel to an upper story*, via rope and pulley, the mechanism somehow malfunctioned. The rope, of course, was wrapped around his ankle, unbeknownst to him. The laden barrel came crashing down; Joe Workman got yanked upwards. The barrel full of bricks crashed and split open, emptied of its load. Joe came plummeting down. This had to have been in the '60s.
Anyway, sometime later there was either a retraction and/or apology wherein the publisher apologized for making light of another person's misfortune.
I have a head full of useless WT quotations and stories.
i noticed a young brother with a beard being given more privelages within our hall.
when he first grew his beard, he lost his privelages.
but more and more recently he has been helping out a lot more.. the cobe is old school and a stickler for rules, but with the hall becoming more empty these days, and the need for young brothers, he seems to have relaxed on this particular watchtower/man made rule.
Bearded elder in Worlds Apart.
i noticed a young brother with a beard being given more privelages within our hall.
when he first grew his beard, he lost his privelages.
but more and more recently he has been helping out a lot more.. the cobe is old school and a stickler for rules, but with the hall becoming more empty these days, and the need for young brothers, he seems to have relaxed on this particular watchtower/man made rule.
i am comforted by the realization that my little life has not been lived totally in vain.
there's been a lot of good stuff come my way.
most of my mistakes were not life altering.
Thank you, LV101.
Your grandfather's influence was such that you benefited by learning from others, and, by a few degrees of separation, we benefit also because you are here!
the listeners.
'is there anybody there?’ said the traveller, .
knocking on the moonlit door; .
My eyes, fixed steadily upon cheerful passersby on the street below, peer through darkly transparent curtains. In contrast to my placid self, these happy souls are at peace with the world. Not so long ago, I was a companion to all, democratic in the society I kept. I see the world, I know the world from my lookout, five-storeys removed from the bustle of a life now abandoned.
After my abrupt withdrawal from constant companionship, these, my true friends, inquired after my state, leaving their cards with Hayworth as he, my faithful butler, politely but firmly turned them all away. Consequently, they ceased further inquiry into my health and caught up with their own lives and made tracks elsewhere. Needless to say, my doorway has not been brightened by old friends for a considerable time.
The August sun has been burning with her characteristic, seasonal fire. I cannot, for the life of me, be rid of this penetrating, bone-biting chill that has settled in at my core. When, one day, I had casually regarded my overall aspect in the bevelled glass of Mother's wardrobe mirror, I was taken aback by an aggressive increase in pallor, an uncharacteristic thinness of my once robust frame, a mallen streak creeping up my scalp.
Months passed, with myself confined to what had once been Mother's suite. I would not allow my curious eyes to wander toward the honesty of silvered glass. With the passage of time, I completely left off wondering about that horrid reflection cast in glass.
Despite my physical self's incremental change over time -- I one day forced myself to look head on into that dread mirror -- what frightened me most was the accelerated fading of my reflection. I looked down; the feet that long supported me were shrouded in vaporous mist, the fingers that had once made sweet music a shadowy tracery that clutched desperately at a face that no longer was . . .
i am comforted by the realization that my little life has not been lived totally in vain.
there's been a lot of good stuff come my way.
most of my mistakes were not life altering.
You're welcome, scratchme1010.
Thanks for posting.
i am comforted by the realization that my little life has not been lived totally in vain.
there's been a lot of good stuff come my way.
most of my mistakes were not life altering.
I am comforted by the realization that my little life has not been lived totally in vain. There's been a lot of good stuff come my way. Most of my mistakes were not life altering.
Certainly, I would have done some things differently: I would have erred more on the side of kindness rather than judgment; I would have fed and clothed those in need instead of wishing that, somehow, they would be warm and well fed; I would have used daily or given away those "special things" I owned (they wound up safe but useless in storage).
Although called a "man of God," I would have preached less and allowed the unlettered and ordinary man to teach me a thing or two about what is, truly, the "real life."
can anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
You're a good man, Jayk.
I've been here 11 years and I'm still learning.
Dad was a Pollyanna, Mom was a no-nonsense realist. By nature and nurture, I see both sides, yet I often get caught in the middle of my two selves and wind up very confused.
Take care.
can anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
Easy does it, JayK.
What we endeavor to do here is understand the reasoning behind comments, i.e., "where" the poster is coming from. It takes a while to get the feel of a discussion board since we are not face-to-face with each other. No facial expressions, no body language.
Be patient. You're new here and not yet acquainted with everyone. The folks posting are, for the most part, congenial and understanding. We just may not get their point at the start.
Blessings and Peace.